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Department of Health

Accepts complaints about providers and facilities that DOH credentials, as well as complaints about providers practicing without a license.


Department of Corrections Ombuds

The Office of the Corrections Ombuds serves the state of Washington by helping to resolve issues involving people incarcerated in the Department of Corrections facilities.


Kids Mental Health Washington

Supporting the behavioral health needs of Washington kids, youth, and families


NW Justice Project

Northwest Justice Project (NJP) provides free legal assistance to address fundamental human needs such as housing, family safety, income security, health care, education, and more. Our work challenges structural and racial inequities to promote the long-term well-being of low-income individuals, families and communities across Washington State.

Office of the Developmental Disabilities Ombuds (DD Ombuds)

DD Ombuds program operates statewide to investigate, advocate, and report on services to people with developmental disabilities. The DD Ombuds focuses on resolving issues at the lowest level possible through individual complaint resolution.  The program provides a range of services, including monitoring, information on rights and responsibilities, informal advocacy, and recommendations for changes in policy and procedures.


Office of Justice and Civil Rights

DSHS/OOS/OJCR is committed to providing an environment that is free from all forms of discrimination and harassment, including sexual harassment, retaliation, and other inappropriate behaviors.


Team Child

Team Child upholds the rights of youth involved, or at risk of being involved, in the juvenile justice system to help them secure the education, healthcare, housing and other supports they need to achieve positive outcomes in their lives.


Washington Medical Commission

We promote patient safety and enhance the integrity of the medical profession through licensing, discipline, rulemaking, and education.


Washington State Long Term Care Ombuds

The Washington State Long-Term Care Ombudsman advocates for residents of nursing homes, adult family homes, and assisted living facilities. 


The Washington State Family and Children’s Ombuds

An independent and impartial office that helps citizens navigate Washington state agencies serving children, youth and families. The Ombuds also investigates complaints about a Washington state agency’s actions.​


Washington State Community Connectors

Connecting families across Washington state to resources, training, and support.

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